UNICON® Remote control for DMX fixtures
The Cameo UNICON® is a potent DMX/RDM controller especially for architectural lighting and your indispensable companion in routine work as a lighting technician. Connect the handheld controller via 5- pin DMX or RJ45 cable to the desired fixture and gain access to all control options. The large TFT touch screen shows you the corresponding menu structure even in bright sunlight. You can navigate through the menu structure by touch and with the encoder wheel.
In addition to sending and receiving DMX signals, for RDM compatible units, sensor data and DMX mode and address can also be read out. If the UNICON® is connected to a computer via its USB-C port, it is detected as a microSD card reader and the integrated Li- Ion battery recharges. This allows you to save scenes onto the controller and transfer them to the lighting installation on site in a time-efficient manner.
The Cameo UNICON® not only serves as a practical tool and an absolute labour-saver when testing and configuring lighting installations. If new firmware is available for a compatible luminaire, the controller also functions as a firmware updater.
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Activate The Space LLC. ATS-PRO
340A W Newberry Rd.
06002 Bloomfield