EVOS® W3 Compact LED Wash-Moving Head
When selecting moving heads, emphasis is placed on a particularly natural-looking LED light for effects and lighting. This compact and versatile mini LED moving head offers that - and much more. It takes up little space on the truss or in the warehouse, but still offers the same high-quality functions as the larger EVOS® W7.
This is because the warm white LED can not only be used to mix pleasantly warm pastel colours, but can also be used to create great warm white light to illuminate people, objects, etc. This wash beam with single-pixel control is therefore aimed in particular at hire companies with a demanding professional clientele.
Seven 40W RGBW LEDs produce rich RGB colours for breathtaking lighting effects. Compared to other devices, the Cameo EVOS® W3 offers a particularly high colour rendering index. The warm white chip allows it to be used as a wash light to illuminate people or objects - either in natural warm white light or as mood lighting in pastel colours. This versatility results from the individual combination of full-colour LED with WW chip, which produces extremely clearly defined white tones with a CRI above Ra 96.
With its individual control of all LEDs via single-pixel control, the Cameo EVOS® W3 moving head, which can be used as a wash and beam, enables breathtaking matrix effects. The rich luminous flux of 4200 lumen floods every event with warm, bright light in clearly defined colours and generous coverage of up to 540° horizontally (pan) and 235° vertically (tilt). The versatility is further enhanced by an impressive zoom range between 4° and 55°, which enables powerful beam and large-area wash effects.
The camera image of the live transmission of your event is guaranteed to remain flicker-free with this wash beam moving head, as the repetition rate can be adjusted in six stages between 800 Hz and a maximum of 25 kHz. The software control via network can be customised very flexibly with DMX512, RDM, Art-Net4, sACN, KlingNet or W-DMX. The intuitive encoder with battery-operated graphic display enables autonomous operation and network-independent configuration. Preset LEE colour filters enable problem-free use in combination with conventional spotlights. The black housing made of environmentally friendly and fire-retardant ABS, nylon and PC plastic has temperature-controlled fans and a mains power connection with Neutrik TrueOne plug and 1 metre power cable.
For a quote on this item, please contact our sales department or make an appointment with our sales representatives.
Exclusive distribution
Activate The Space LLC. ATS-PRO
340A W Newberry Rd.
06002 Bloomfield