Each lens can be used with the Tungsten, Daylight and Full-Colour versions of the P2 models, offering maximum flexibility as usual by Cameo.
A strong signal red marks the beam angle of 19°, while green stands for 26° and blue for 36°. A warm yellow-orange hue marks the 50° variant. The coloured printings can be found on both the right and left side of the lens so that the user can see directly from a distance which beam angle is currently being used with the profile spotlight.
The 4 fixed lenses are divided as follows:
- CLP219LENS - 19° lens in RED
- CLP226LENS - 26° lens in GREEN
- CLP236LENS - 36° lens in BLUE
- CLP250LENS - 50° lens in YELLOW-ORANGE
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Exclusive distribution
Activate The Space LLC. ATS-PRO
340A W Newberry Rd.
06002 Bloomfield