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D FORCE 5000 RGB Professional Diode Show Laser

N. articolo: CLLDFORCE5000RGB
Serie: D-Force
5,000 mW total output power
User-adjustable beam alignment
Dust-proof aluminium housing for minimum maintenance
High-speed high-performance 30 Kpps galvo scanner @ 8° ILDA
Analogue modulation for up to 16 million colour shades
Precision beam with minimum divergence for razor-sharp projections
Interlock emergency stop signal output
ILDA interface for software control
Scan Fail Safety system
Neutrik PowerCON input and output
Temperature-controlled low-noise fan for cool and quiet operation
Optional adapters for Pangolin safety lenses and DiscoScan V2 360° wide-angle lens (CLLDFORCEAPSSL, CLLDFORCEAPDSL)

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5,000 mW total output power
User-adjustable beam alignment
Dust-proof aluminium housing for minimum maintenance
High-speed high-performance 30 Kpps galvo scanner @ 8° ILDA
Analogue modulation for up to 16 million colour shades
Precision beam with minimum divergence for razor-sharp projections
Interlock emergency stop signal output
ILDA interface for software control
Scan Fail Safety system
Neutrik PowerCON input and output
Temperature-controlled low-noise fan for cool and quiet operation
Optional adapters for Pangolin safety lenses and DiscoScan V2 360° wide-angle lens (CLLDFORCEAPSSL, CLLDFORCEAPDSL)

Delivering a massive total output of 5,000 mW, the D.FORCE 5000 RGB creates stunning graphics projections with analogue modulation for up to 16 million colour shades. The highly professional diode-only show laser generates a razor-sharp beam with 2 mm diameter and less than 1 mrad divergence, and the use of a 638 nm diode ensures a highly visible, intense red colour. Eliminating the need for servicing, an easily accessible beam alignment system enables the user to quickly perform adjustments if necessary. The D.FORCE 5000 RGB's pure diode design provides an increased life span and much higher efficiency compared to temperature-dependent DPSS laser sources.

The D.FORCE 5000 RGB features a high-speed 30 Kpps scanner @ 8 degrees ILDA, a wide 50° scan angle and an ILDA interface on 25-pin D-sub connectors for software control.

The dust proof dual layer aluminium housing separates the optical components from the power supply and fan to ensure maximum performance while minimizing maintenance. It provides Neutrik powerCON input and output connectors plus a key switch to prevent unauthorized use. For audience safety the D.FORCE 5000 RGB is equipped with a Scan Fail Safety system, and an optional adapter permits the use of Pangolin lenses.

Sistema di colori additivo RGB
Laser full diode

Sistema di colori additivo RGB

Nella miscelazione additiva dei colori, tutti i colori e i bianchi vengono prodotti mescolando luce rossa, verde e blu in proporzioni diverse. Il sistema RGB viene utilizzato su televisori, monitor di computer e fotocamere digitali.


Grazie alla sua pronunciata direttività, la luce laser rimane luminosa e chiaramente visibile anche a lunghe distanze. I laser sono estremamente efficienti dal punto di vista energetico e producono stretti fasci luminosi intensamente focalizzati, ideali per giochi di luce di grande effetto.

Grazie al collegamento ILDA il laser può essere controllato da un software ILDA compatibile

Il dispositivo spegne immediatamente l'emissione laser nel caso in cui i motori di controllo del raggio laser presentino un'anomalia che provoca l'emissione di un raggio laser fisso

Laser full diode

La costruzione a diodi pura consente una maggiore durata e un'efficienza notevolmente superiore rispetto ai laser DPSS, i quali dipendono anche dalla temperatura.

Product type
Potenza totale
5,000 (R: 1,400, G: 1,400, B: 2,300) mW
Spettro cromatico
Dati di irradiamento
2 x 4 mm
Fonte laser
Diodo laser
Classe laser
30kpps @ 8° ILDA
Angolo di scansione max.
max. 50 °
Modalità operativa
100 V - 250 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Potenza assorbita
150 W
Power supply connector
Neutrik powerCON
Materiale cassa
Colore cassa
254 mm
175 mm
300 mm
7,9 kg
Download e link
15. Mag. 2019
Lasers in All Directions – Cameo D FORCE at Bootshaus
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